

Drug Law Journal is a respected and thoroughly researched online consumer resource with news and reliable facts about prescription drug side effects and  difficulties with common medical devices. It was created to arm ordinary consumers and patients with knowledge about the medicines they ingest and the devices which are embedded in them.

The team at Drug Law Journal cares personally about their mission to provide detailed information to the public about the possible adverse effects of drugs and reactions from medical devices. They review medical journals, drug company statements, bulletins from the Food and Drug Administration and legal proceedings. They then use this information to pull together a full and complete picture of how these products are marketed to health care professionals and prescribed to patients. 

Drug Law Journal is also a valuable source of information for those who may suffer with side effects of a drug or drug interactions or a poorly designed medical device.  The pain, discomfort or life threatening conditions which can arise from these drugs and devices could have resulted from the negligence of the manufacturer. Drug Law Journal is there for patients and consumers to research and explore explore their legal options and even take action.

Drug Law Journal’s team is headquartered in Orlando, Florida.  Drug Law Journal is able to bring the benefits of its research and reporting to the public through the generous sponsorship of law firms such as DDP Injury Law Group.  However, such sponsorship does not afford any law firm to exert any control whatsoever over the mission or content on Drug Law Journal.

Editorial Staff

Drug Law Journal has assembled a combination of writers and editors from across the United States with experience researching and reporting on health information concerning medical device injuries and drug side effects including the legal ramifications resulting from each.  The Drug Law Journal team strives to provide credible medical and legal research in relatable context that matters to consumers. Our writers and editors bring credentials, journalistic professionalism and personal experiences together to craft articles which are timely, relevant and engaging.

Drug Law Journal’s Legal Sponsorship

Drug Law Journal is funded entirely through its legal sponsorship by DDP Injury Law Group, a law firm engaged in complex litigation.  The website and research are resources which are free to the public and are continuously updated for accuracy and to ensure our patrons are getting the latest available news.  There is absolutely no expense to use Drug Law Journal and no user or patron need be a client of DDP Injury Law Group to gain the benefit of its activities.

Editorial Integrity

Drug Law Journal endeavors to produce meticulously researched and credible materials to our readers which are: objective; trustworthy and above all else, accurate.  Whether it is to report on adverse reactions to a new drug for high blood pressure or to relay the latest news on an allergic reaction to a new implantable device, our team is committed to original content that meet established criteria:


It should have some substantial impact to enhance the knowledge of our readers with respect to the medications and medical devices they use.  Typically, this means that our articles cover news about new and established drugs and devices approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This would also include news about the status of current and past legal actions involving drugs and devices in the United States.


Drug Law Journal writers and editors seek out and give the most weight to “first-tier” reference materials which come directly from sources such as: the Food and Drug Administration; Centers for Disease Control; and the National Institutes for Health.  Additionally, they will utilize medical resources such as: the Journal of the American Medical Association; the New England Journal of Medicine; and the Lancet; as well as legal periodicals and journals updating case law and proceedings in drug and device litigation.  


Because Drug Law Journal is first and foremost, a website for consumers, it views the personal stories and narratives of its readers as a vital component to its mission and focus.  Sometimes there simply are no more compelling ways to communicate the issues and consequences of the side effects of drugs or of the negligence of medical device manufacturers, than to hear directly from those who have been affected the most deeply.  Therefore, alongside of our research and legal information, we will feature prominently the stories of dangerous drug side effects and suffering from medical devices from actual people dealing with these issues right now.

Contact Us

If a reader contacts Drug Law Journal, they will be connected with one of our helpful staff concerning their questions and concerns and be given the opportunity to fill out a free questionnaire concerning their particular details.  From there, readers will be connected with a legal professionals who will contact you for a complimentary review of your legal options. You will not need to pay or be under any obligation for this review and consultation, whatsoever.

Drug Law Journal Legal Sponsorship

Drug Law Journal's publishing and research are sponsored by the DDP Injury Law Group in Washington, D.C. Their legal team is focused on protecting the rights of injury victims.
Furthermore, they understand and appreciate the importance of a trusted attorney-client relationship.
The DDP Injury Law Group uses their years of experience with litigation to ensure their clients can fight for the compensation they deserve.

Always seek the advice of a medical professional when making personal health choices.

The Offices of DrugLawJournal.com are located at:

1800 North Orange Avenue, Suite C
Orlando, Florida 32804

DrugLawJournal.com is sponsored by the DDP Injury Law Group, and therefore may be considered attorney advertising. The information contained on DrugLawJournal.com is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal or medical advice on any subject matter. No viewers of this site should discontinue taking a prescribed medication on the basis of any information on this site and should always first consult with a doctor concerning any medication. Viewers should understand that if they refrain from taking prescribed medication without appropriate medical advice they can suffer injury or death.

No viewers of content from this site, clients or otherwise, should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in the site without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from an attorney licensed in the viewer’s state. Viewing information from DrugLawJournal.com does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and DDP Injury Law Group or DrugLawJournal.com nor is it intended to do so.The content of DrugLawJournal.com may not reflect current legal developments, verdicts or settlements. Prior results do not predict a similar outcome. For more information, please visit our web site’s disclaimer.

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Free Drug and Medical Device Case Review

Free Drug and Medical Device Case Review

Share your story with us and we will reach out to you about your case.

Described what happened to you, we will review and reach out to you about your situation.

It is important for those who have suffered injury from dangerous drugs and medical devices to know that they have may have options.

Consumers have the ability to seek legal remedies for their injuries resulting from the negligence of drug and device manufacturers. The first step toward justice and recovery is sharing your story with effective legal counsel. An attorney will help you to better understand the issues and discuss the possibility of compensation for your suffering.

Once you complete the information request above, Drug Law Journal will send the information to a specialist at our legal sponsor’s firm, the DDP Injury Law Group, in Washington, D.C. That specialist will follow-up with you directly to gather further specific information about your case and make an evaluation. If the firm is able to move forward on your case, they will also discuss next steps. Remember – the entire consult and evaluation is free to you. You only need to take the first step to fill out the contact form or call: (800) 597-1870 for immediate assistance.