
Tracy Everhart

Tracy Everhart, MSN, MS CAM


Tracy Everhart is the Editor for Drug Law Journal.  A highly-trained and certified medical professional for over 20 years herself, Tracy is also an accomplished medical writer who has spent the past 8 years profiling leaders in the medical profession and tracking the latest developments in new technologies for treatment protocols.

Tracy spent the bulk of her medical career on the front lines of patient care and witnessed first-hand the processes through which new pharmaceutical and medical device technologies are introduced into the market.  It’s this unique insight, combined with her passion for the safety and well-being of her patients, which gives Drug Law Journal and its readers such thoughtful, well-balanced and informative articles.

“I get tremendous satisfaction from helping patients understand the implications from new drugs and devices.  Especially women – whose unique health concerns, I feel, have too often been overlooked by other online resources.”

Armed with the knowledge that most Americans either don’t know or understand the approval process by which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clears new drugs and devices for the market, Tracy works tirelessly to find real stories from real people, then writes and publishes articles on Drug Law Journal about the risks and benefits posed by new drug and device technologies.  Furthermore, Tracy single-handedly seeks out the advice and direction of professionals who understand the rights of those hurt by dangerous drugs and devices and combines these materials into informative and thought-provoking pieces for our readers.

Prior to joining Drug Law Journal, Tracy worked as a writer for Everydayfamily.com, an established family healthcare and pregnancy resource, as well as flo.health a groundbreaking interactive resource focused on women’s health issues.

In addition to her numerous professional accomplishments, Tracy holds a masters degree from the American College of Healthcare Sciences and an additional post-graduate degree from the Yale School of Nursing.  She also has a bachelor’s degree in microbiology from Hampshire College and an associate’s degree in nursing from the University of South Carolina.

Professional Experience:

  • Clinical Director, Pennsylvania Forum for Primary Healthcare
  • Clinical Trial Coordinator, Yale School of Medicine
  • Emergency Room Nurse, Yale New Haven Hospital
  • Flight, Trauma, Burn Nurse, Medical College of Georgia


  • American College of Healthcare Sciences, Masters Degree Program
  • Yale School of Nursing, Masters Degree Program
  • Hampshire College, Bachelor of Arts – Biology/Microbology
  • University of South Carolina, Associate Degree – Nursing

Drug Law Journal Legal Sponsorship

Drug Law Journal's publishing and research are sponsored by the DDP Injury Law Group in Washington, D.C. Their legal team is focused on protecting the rights of injury victims.
Furthermore, they understand and appreciate the importance of a trusted attorney-client relationship.
The DDP Injury Law Group uses their years of experience with litigation to ensure their clients can fight for the compensation they deserve.

Always seek the advice of a medical professional when making personal health choices.

The Offices of DrugLawJournal.com are located at:

1800 North Orange Avenue, Suite C
Orlando, Florida 32804

DrugLawJournal.com is sponsored by the DDP Injury Law Group, and therefore may be considered attorney advertising. The information contained on DrugLawJournal.com is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal or medical advice on any subject matter. No viewers of this site should discontinue taking a prescribed medication on the basis of any information on this site and should always first consult with a doctor concerning any medication. Viewers should understand that if they refrain from taking prescribed medication without appropriate medical advice they can suffer injury or death.

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Free Drug and Medical Device Case Review

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Described what happened to you, we will review and reach out to you about your situation.

It is important for those who have suffered injury from dangerous drugs and medical devices to know that they have may have options.

Consumers have the ability to seek legal remedies for their injuries resulting from the negligence of drug and device manufacturers. The first step toward justice and recovery is sharing your story with effective legal counsel. An attorney will help you to better understand the issues and discuss the possibility of compensation for your suffering.

Once you complete the information request above, Drug Law Journal will send the information to a specialist at our legal sponsor’s firm, the DDP Injury Law Group, in Washington, D.C. That specialist will follow-up with you directly to gather further specific information about your case and make an evaluation. If the firm is able to move forward on your case, they will also discuss next steps. Remember – the entire consult and evaluation is free to you. You only need to take the first step to fill out the contact form or call: (800) 597-1870 for immediate assistance.